The key to consistency with my yoga practice is to make it easily accessible no matter where I am, especially if I'm travelling.
Being able to adapt my practice is what makes it fun and creative, and not feel like a chore in the way exercising sometimes can.
Here are my favourite poses that you can practise anywhere, that require no props or even a yoga mat!
Cat Cow
An amazing way of getting some movement into the spine. Also creates a gentle opening of the front and back body.
My Tips:
As you look up for cow pose, lift your chin slightly, stretching through the chest all the way up the throat, drop the belly towards the mat and lift your tailbone up.
As you round your back for cat pose press through your hands, from the palms all the way to your fingertips to find that lift in the upper back.
Downward Facing Dog
For me this is the OG of yoga poses. Although it is considered a resting pose, you can make it very active by engaging the hands and feet.
My Tip:
Bend your knees deeply and push your chest towards your thighs, you will feel a beautiful stretch in your back body, especially the shoulders.
Goddess Pose
A hip opener that engages the core, I love this as you can adapt it to how you’re feeling.. Sitting deeper in the pose if you have the space or gently sinking into it.
My Tip:
Place your hands on top of your thighs and bending the elbows alternately lower each shoulder to towards the ground to open up through the back body.
Malasana Squat
I love this pose as it really gets into everything; it is a hip opener, stretches the inner thighs and strengthens the ankle and knee joints.
My Tip:
If your heels don’t touch the ground, place a pillow or folded blanket under the heels for stability.
Bridge Pose
This is such a beautiful pose, a backbend and chest opener. It builds strength and balance and feels so good.
My Tip:
For an extra challenge, lift one leg and bring the knee towards your chest, a great core stabiliser.
Seated Forward Fold
I practise this pose every day, even when I feel super tight. It is amazing for stretching the hamstrings - you will really feel this one!
My Tip:
Bend your knees and place a pillow or cushion under them to avoid hyper extending the knees.
Follow my Instagram @emilyfresson for more tips on yoga and holistic living!